
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Traditional Taekwon-do Academy is offering Special Self Defence courses to
young adults intending to further their higher education overseas or if they
just want to acquire some self defence knowledge. This course will help equip
your child/children to manage their safety concerns especially in a foreign
These 15 self defence sessions are personally conducted by GrandMaster C.W
YEOW. Those interested pls contact : 012-2117731.
The Traditional Taekwon-do Academy (TTA) is dedicated to
diligently pursuing and providing the highest standard
of instruction and education of TAEKWON-DO and it's
principles with honesty, patience, understanding and
caring. We believe in this equal opportunity for the
human spirit to excel, at any age, which in turn will
promote peace and goodwill in our communities and
throughout the world.
We at the Academy, place diligence and focus on the
teaching of Taekwon-do as it was passed on by the late
founder, General Choi Hong Hi, to Grandmaster Yeow
Cheng Watt. As one who has personally studied under
the late Grandmaster.
Grandmaster Yeow has persistently used the tenets of Taekwon-do as
the basis of his instruction.
Courtesy (Ye Ui)
Integrity (Yom Chi)
Perseverance (In Nae)
Self Control (Guk Gi)
Indomitable Spirit (Baekjool Boolgool)
We believe that absolutely everybody can benefit from the
life enhancing aspects of Taekwon-do regardless of
age, sex or physical capabilities, whether your aim is
to increase self confidence, lose a few pounds, or
just to have fun. There are just so many
character-building skills involved that there is
something for everyone to gain. Our wish is not just
to teach martial arts but to enrich lives, making the
world a better place, for the student's well-being and
Concentration, Listening, Self Respect, Respect of
Others, Stress Management, Confidence, Persistence,
Determination, Setting Goals, Achievement of Goals,
Alertness, Leadership
Exercise, Flexibility, Breathing Control, Balance,
Conditioning, Fluid Body Movement, Self Control,
Cardiovascular Conditioning, Co-ordination, Muscle
Tone, Relaxation, Physical Fitness, Agility, Mobility,
Rapid Reflexes, Endurance, The Best Skills for
Release stress and have
fun !
Tone your body for a younger, leaner, & more
flexible you!
Learn a fascinating & very useful 2000-year old
Learn at your own pace! No pressure to "keep up",
you progress at your own speed
A friendly helpful and positive atmosphere
A program for You regardless of your physical
condition or gender
Private lessons with a personal trainer for your
special needs
Classes available for children and adults
Check out our Dojang on Facebook:
A Sweet Testimonial:
By Jacqueline Koay, Kathu, Thailand, parent of Gina, national champion, taught by GM Yeow.
Many people have been asking me about the legendary Master Yeow, whom G began training with when she
was about 5 or 6. Here he is: "http://traditionaltaekwondo.net/master.htm". Best thing we ever did for G
(photo below: professional portrait after she won the national championships)."
"So off she trotted to Master Yeow's, three times a week for 15pounds a month. Best thing we ever did for her.
Master Yeow was tough on her "You have to be able to wear your black belt on the inside, Gina, before you can
wear it on the outside". Whenever she was late (because of her parents), 20 kids attacked her by order of
Master Yeow. And because she was always late (terrible parents!) she was attacked regularly, until by the
age of 8 or 9, she was the best fighter in the dojang and could hold her own against 20. The girls didn't
want to fight her, so she had to fight the boys. She often cried, but she never stopped going. Sometimes, her Dad and I cried too when we watched her climb those narrow stairs up to
the dojang and she was wiping away her tears with her sleeve."
"She beat everyone else in her category and age group to become the national champion. It was the sweetest
victory ever, because it was about mastery of the self. Master Yeow certainly shaped her character a lot.
A year ago, he came to Phuket to visit her, "You will be my first female GrandMaster, you will see" he
told her. "Go back to England and show them what you learned from me." Well, she certainly learned to be
strong on the inside. Her father taught her to be soft, and Master Yeow taught her to be strong,
and not to open your mouth unless you can carry your words."
Traditional Taekwon-do Academy is affiliated to and/or endorsed by the
following entities and federations :